The Flaming-Bright's Attempt To Be Total Warriors

Created by Anna Bright 6th August 2011 This event has closed


On Saturday 6th August Flamehead and Brighty will be Total Warriors so please give us some money. Seriously, it's got to be worth a few bob to see if we can chuckle brother our way over 7ft walls, through tyres, under scramble netts and though swamps over a 10km course? For more details go to



1st August 2011
Thank you to the Larkey-Wood's for your donations. Congratulations once again, I love you both and CAN NOT wait to drink some shit with you both on the 12th. Bring on the Maude xxx

Thanks a million x

12th July 2011
Big thank yous to Doug and Dishcloth Doug - Your pockets are deeper than that, but that's OK you'll need it for my drinks when you come home Dishcloth - Does it feel good trying to bribe your way into Heaven? Also this is a children s charity, you do know that? I have to go on the PCD diet cause I have a feeling I'm not going to fit through one of the obsticals. Much love, air kisses and big fake hug Brighty x

30 Sleeps

7th July 2011
With 30 sleeps to go we decided it was time to start training, which meant sitting in Miller & Carter with a couple of bevvies banging the world to rights and planning our trip to Disney Land. We summarized that our main concerns were the 10km run (Flamehead), and heaving my arse over a seven foot wall, let alone squeezing it through a tyre (Brighty). Not Good. So now I'm regretting the last 7 days of binge eating. Anyway forget that, the discapline staaaarts froooommm NOW!!!